The most attractive look is always the most authentic one.
welcome to authentic personal styling
we all want to be seen
Ladybird will help you see yourself and your style in a whole new light.
Don’t be fooled—personal style is far more than the clothes you put on your body. It’s how you do everything. However you choose to work with Ladybird, you’ll learn to find and express your personal style by understanding the way you move.
For women looking to increase the power of their presence, and look their absolute best, there is only one answer—authenticity.
Ladybird will equip and empower you to show up authentically.
Let’s help you find your style
About the Founder
Molly Bingaman
Over 600,000 views on her TEDx Talk
Trained under Stacy London from What Not To Wear
Molly has been helping women express themselves authentically for nearly fifteen years. She’s worked with women from all over the world in every body size, lifestyle and career.
Here’s how to work with us…
Discover your authentic style in 6 weeks with our signature online styling course
Style Coaching
Build a resonant wardrobe working one-on-one with a Style Coach
Find support to show up authentically in your style through our online community
Show up authentically
Show up authentically
Our offerings
Our premier product built out of our years of experience with personal styling
Nuts and bolts of discovering your authentic style and how to maintain it
Lifetime access to our unique styling method
FREE 8 week access to The Authentic Style Community
Personal Style
Work one-on-one with a Style Coach, perfect for those that want individualized attention
3 call method guiding you to discover long lasting style
Personalized to meet your specific style goals
Weekly support to show up as your authentic self
Join women from around the world of all ages, back grounds, lifestyles and careers for style support and encouragement
Easy-to-shop monthly resources
Transform the way you think about style
Designed to make shopping and selecting garments for your level of movement stress-free, these guides are perfect for those who want to experiment with resonance-based styling on their own.
We’ve included the cuts, colors, neutrals, shapes, fabrics, and prints that resonate with each level of movement—as well as where to find them online.
Shop our Resource Guides
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